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1908-09 Collectables

The Southern Football League Portrait Album)
Series of 21 South League First Division teams issued in booklet format
Image courtesy of Phil Martin
1908-09 West Ham United
Football Album
EVENING TIME (Newspaper)
Competition Postcard
Black and white postcard. Issued in conjunction with a competition with £150 first prize for a correct prediction of the Cup Final score.
Size 140x90mm

West Ham United team group for the 1908-09 season and NOT 1910-11 as indicated (see football)
Descriptive text:-
The London "EVENING TIMES" offers £250 to the public in connection with the  English Cup Final on the following terms:

£150 to the person who forecasts exactly the result of the Cup Final and whose coupon is received at the "London Evening Times"
office 20 St. Bride Street London EC before March 30th

£100 to the person who forecasts the result correctly and whose coupon reaches us before April 20
This is purely a skill competition and the entry is free.

West Ham United Publications


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