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1930-31 Collectables

A Backs:
(a) Barratt's Xmas Club Boxes are the Best. Order Yours Early
(b) Tarrab Brand Rock is the Best

Football "Stars"

Coloured, unnumbered series of 100 caricatures on a Black backdrop. Inscribed to front "Copyright BCH/HLZ". There are four Barratt backs within this series, each subject found with either both the "A" or both the "B" wordings

Size: 61x35mm    Extremely Rare in any condition

James Ruffell

Victor Watson

Vivian Gibbins

B Backs:
(c) Barratt & Co.'s Sweets are Pure
(d) But Barratt & Co.'s Sherbert Novelties

Tommy Yews

The Bedford Studios were located at 192 Barking Road

50. Ken Brown

West Ham United 1930-31

Gallery of Famous Footballers

Coloured series of Football plates, issued in blocks of four players.

Given free with issue No.471 - 14th March 1931

Stanley Earle

League Teams

Sepia gravures, unnumbered series of 24 team groups, issued as 2 teams per sheet.

Plain backs, inscribed to front "Presented with Boys Magazine".

Sheet Size: 204x152mm

Sheffield Wednesday / West Ham United

Footballers 1930-1

Coloured, numbered series of 50 portrait drawings. Inscribed on reverse

"Issued by Lambert & Butler Branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co (of Great Britain & Ireland) Ltd"

Size: 67x36mm 

37. Victor Watson

D.C. THOMSON & Co. Ltd
ABC Chart of Football Colours

Coloured unnumbered series of 120 paper inserts. Black and white player portraits for insertion onto coloured team shirts.

The players faces were cut from gummed sheets and stuck onto the chart.

Size: when cut 26x25mm

124. Victor Watson

D.C. THOMSON & Co. Ltd
Football Towns and Their Crests
Series of 32 cards. Given free with 'The Rover' comic.
Issued as a 'pair' along with 'Famous Ships' and usually found cut down to individual cards
Issued with No.476 dated 30 May 1931.
Topical Times Album - 100 Football Stars of 1930
Paper inserts for insertion into the "Topical Times Photo Album" A Topical Times booklet collection displaying illustrations and biographies of 100 top players. The players are displayed on the right hand page and the pen-pictures on the left. Often found cut down to individual pages or even individual players. The biographies on the back, when cut would relate to players on the next page.

Jim Barrett (Part 2)

Alfred Earl (Part 4)

Periodical 27th September 1930

West Ham United 1930

WEST HAM UNITED                                                    ONLINE MUSEUM

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