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1954-55 South East Counties League

Trainer: Stan Wilcoxson

The South East Counties League came into being this season following the playing of the South East Counties Cup during the past three seasons and the associations with the FA Youth Cup competition. The South East Counties League Cup was played on a league basis last season with the top four teams contesting the Semi-Finals and Final on a knock-out basis. The league tournament has been made a 20-match competition for the eleven entrants and the knock-out Cup will be an addition. All players in the competition must be under-18 on the 1 September in the current season, and may be either amateur or professional.

3 - 8 (Radmill, Vichion, [og])
4 September 1954

Agar N., NcNeilly T., Marshall K., Vichion A., Hayes A., Phillips V., Lundstrum C., Crockett T., Radmall T., Studd R., Gold D.

West Ham Colts opened their programme in this newly-formed league for the Under 18's with a visit to Hendon and their experimental side proved to be no match for a strong Chelsea junior team, who in three games to date, scored 27 goals for with four against.
West Ham Colts will no doubt benefit from this experience, but they will certainly need to tighten their defence if they hope to counter opposition such a s they met in this game. West Ham had the encouragement of an early goal when Chelseas's centre-half put through his own goal after two minutes. It was not long before they equalised. A cross pass spreadeagled West Ham's defence leaving it easy for Laberick Chelsea's outside-left to apply the finishing touch. Three minutes later West Ham again took the lead, when following a good run by Lundstrum on the right Radmall gained possession and promptly drove the ball home. Play continued evenly for a time then in the space of 10 minutes Chelsea scored three more goals through Nicholas, Court and Allen.
Chelseas continued to be the more aggressive after the interval and loose marking by West Ham's defenders enabled Chelsea forwards to get within shooting range fairly frequently. A. Vichion reduced West Ham's deficit near the end with a cleverly placed free kick.

1 - 3 (Crockett [pen])
11 September 1954

Agar N., East C., Marshall K., Woods R., Hayes A., House J., Lundstrum C., Crockett T., Barrick A., Studd R., McDonald T.

If West Ham Colts could have turned their midfield superiority to account they would not have lost this game. They had fully two-thirds of the play and for the last 20 minutes bombarded O's goal to no avauil. The home side took the lead after 15 minutes when Ager gfailed to hold a shot from Fairbairn. 
Terry McDonald was conspicuous in many raids on the Orient goal but his efforts, like those of his colleagues were smothered at the crucial moment. Defensive lapses enabled the home side to add two more goals before the interval.
The second half was a repetition of the first with West Ham dominating the play, their only consolation, however, was a penalty converted by Crockett. Two newcomers to West Ham's team, J. House and R. Woods, both acquitted thenselves well, particularly the latter.

2 - 0 (Crockett [pen], Harrison)
18 September 1954

Rhodes, Taylor J., Marshall K., Vichion A., Hayes A., House J., Harrison R., Crockett D., Fenn G., Smith J., Barrick A.

After being defeated in their first two games in the South Eastern Counties League our Colts recorded a victory against Crystal Palace Juniors, at Chelsham, Surrey by two clear goals. 
The Hammers started the game in determined manner and Barrick and Smith proved a menacing left-wing for the Palace defenders. West Ham opened the scoring after two minutes when Crockett converted a penalty. Clever approach play by Barrick enabled West Ham to add their second after 25 minutes when Harrison, a resourceful outside-right making his first appearance, applied the finishing touch to a combined effort in which Fenn played a part. Taylor and Marshall were resolute defenders for West Ham and ably supported by Hayes at centre-half foiled most of the Palace players attempts at getting to close quarters.
Play in the second half was more even. Fenn, West Ham's centre-forward showed that he has a good shot in either foot and one or two of his efforts were quite praiseworthy. The Palace tried without success in breaking through West Ham's solid defence. These tallies were both notched in the first half, but after the interval the heavier build of the Palace side  began to tell and our youngsters did very well to hold their initial advantage against a side that had an all-round average age  much higher  than our own  15-and 16-year-olds.

1 - 1 (McDonald)
25 September 1954

Line-up Unknown


1 - 1 (Fenn)
9 October 1954

Agar N., Cunninghm A., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Taylor J., Stone A., St. Pierre W., Fenn G., Casey J., McDonald T.


BRIGGS SPORTS MINORS : FA Youth Cup (First Round)
Upton Park
2 - 0 (Barrick, Crockett [pen])
16 October 1954



Marshall K.

Crockett D.

Hayes A.

Taylor J.

Barrick A.

St. Pierre W.

Fenn G.

Smith J.

McDonald T.

Our Colts qualified to meet Tottenham Hotspur Juniors in the Second Round of the F.A. Youth Cup by beating Briggs Sports Minors 2-0 at Upton Park.
It was an interesting game with not a great deal between the sides, although our defence did hold the upper hand for the majority of the time. However, our own forwards in their turn were unable to take the lead until late in the second-half, when Crockett converted a penalty-kick that was, to our mind, harshly awarded for a handling offence. This knocked much of the wind out of the sails of the visitors, and before the close Barrick added a second goal to give us the victory.
Our youngsters nevertheless deserved their success and are looking forward to again playing the Spurs, whom they recently held to a 1-1 draw at Cheshunt in the South Eastern Counties League. Although the competitions concerned are actually for "under-18's
" the majority of our lads are mostly 16-year-olds, and in view of this age discrepancy are to be praised for a good showing In their fixtures to date.

TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR : FA Youth Cup (Second Round)
1 - 0 (Crockett)
30 October 1954

Rhodes, Cunninghm A., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Taylor J., Barrick A., Studd R., Fenn G., Smith J., McDonald T.

The best performance of a Hammers' team at the weekend was our Colts' 1-0 victory at Cheshunt over Tottenham Hotspur Colts in the Second Round of the F.A. Youth Cup. 

At inside-right for the young Spurs was Woods, who has already appeared in their League side at inside-left this season. An injury to George Fenn in the opening minutes meant him going on the wing for the rest of the game, but our reorganised side showed plenty of spirit, taking the lead after a quarter-of-an-hour from a penalty which Crockett converted. The home side kept up pressure and missed a penalty in the second-half, but the Hammers fought back and were good value for their success.

Harrods Ground, Hammersmith
2 - 4 (Fenn, Radmill)
6 November 1954

Nears L., East C., Marshall K., Phillips V., Hayes A., Smith J., Harrison R., St. Pierre W., Radmall T., Fenn G., McDonald T.

With four of their "regulars" playing for Essex in the F.A. County Youth Championship our Colts' Team against Fulham in the South Eastern Counties showed a number of changes, the full XI. Goals by Radmall and Fenn gave us a 2-0 lead which the young Cottagers reduced before the interval. Unfortunately the youthfulness of our side proved their undoing in the second-half, and the superior stamina of their older opponents led to a 4-2 defeat. Nevertheless we were very pleased with our lads, and were satisfied that their future prospects become increasingly bright.

Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
0 - 2
20 November 1954

Rhodes, Cunninghm A., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Taylor J., Lundstrum C., Smith J., White B., Franklin T., Harker A.

We fielded three newcomers to the side that opposed Brentford, White being from Woolwich, Franklin from Kettering and Harker from the Newcastle area. The Bees took advantage of conditions in the first half to gain a two-goal lead, but although we held them scoreless after the interval they also kept us out to win by 2-0.

CHELSEA : London Minor Cup
Woolwich Stadium
0 - 1
4 December 1954

Rhodes, East C., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Smith J., Harrison R., St. Pierre W., Banks B., Franklin T., Manning E.

In their South Eastern Counties League match last Saturday against Chelsea Colts at Woolwich Stadium our Colts were defeated by the only goal scored a few minutes from time. This was most unfortunate, for our youngsters had well deserved their draw, and at the time of the goal being scored were only playing with ten men due to Hayes being incapacitated. Against a strong wind in the first-hall the Hammers defended well and held a strong forward-line scoreless; this was in itself a good performance, for the home side's line included former schoolboy internationals in Brooks, Sluman and Nicholas, who have been knocking up big scores in their previous fixtures.

Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
2 - 1 (St. Pierre 2)
11 December 154

Rhodes, Taylor J., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Smith J., Fenn G., St. Pierre W., Barrick A., Franklin T., McDonald T.

Although a goal down at half-time our youngsters played well in the second half on a hard surface and two goals by St. Pierre gave them a 2-1 victory. Portsmouth could count themselves a little unfortunate as the decider was scored just prior to the final whistle, for they could fairly claim that they earned a draw; however, the success was an encouragement to our youngsters who have thus improved their position in the table at the expense of one of the strongest sides.

CIVIL SERVICE JUNIORS : FA Youth Cup (Third Round)
Upton Park
1 - 0 (St. Pierre)
20 December 1954


East C.

Taylor J.

Crockett D.

Hayes A.

Smith J.

Fenn G.

St. Pierre W.

Barrick A.

Franklin T.

McDonald T.

Our Colts' XI match against Civil Service Juniors in the Third Round of the F.A. Youth Cup was played at Upton park by floodlight, having been postponed on December 8th owing to the rain rendering the ground unfit. 
A goal by William St. Pierre in the first half proved sufficient to lake our youngsters into the next stage of the competition, but the margin might well have been greater but for some excellent "keeping by the opposing custodian added to some missed opportunities. However, it was an interesting match, and our steady defence maintained their record of not conceding a goal so far in this season's tourney.

Park View Road
1 - 3 (Unknown)
23 December 1954

Line-up Unknown


Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
0 - 2
1 January 1955

Rhodes, East C., Taylor J., Woods R., Hayes A., Crockett D., Lundstrum C., Franklin T., Fenn G., Smith J., McDonald T.

 The Hammers were on top for the first 20 minutes but went in arrears whilst Hayes was off the fieid for ten minutes. This reverse seemed to affect our team's play considerably and they faded away in the last hour or so to lose by 2-0 in a game that they could have won comfortably.

Hove Stadium
3 - 1 (Dixon, McDonald, Smith)
8 January 1955

Line-up Unknown

In one of our their best displays this season the Hammers scored a 3-1 victory. Smith and Dixon put them two up in the first ten minutes, and although the Seasiders reduced the arrears before the interval, Mcdonald made the issue safe with another in the second half.

CHELSEA : FA Youth Cup (Fourth Round)
Stamford Bridge
0 - 3
29 January 1955
Att: 6,000


Taylor J.

Marshall K.

Crockett D.

Hayes A.

McDonald T.

Fenn G.

St. Pierre W.

Barrick A.

Franklin T.

Manning E.

Chelsea are a big and strong side and have been one of the favourites since the start of this season's competition. However, our youngsters did well to hold them for the first 25 minutes, until a defensive slip-up allowed the homesters to take the lead, and by adding another couple five minutes before the interval the Blues virtually made sure of success.
There were no further goals in the second half, so our opponents won by 3-0, but it was apparent that the greater experience of the older players gave Chelsea the edge that put them in the last eight of the tourney.

Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
2 - 2 (Crockett [pen], McDonald)
5 February 1955

Watkins B., East C., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Smith J., McDonald T., St. Pierre W., Dixon R., Barrick A., Manning E.

The Cottagers' team contained three young professionals - Lampe, Barton and Grant - and in view of this experienced opposition our youngsters did well to force a draw. McDonald opened our score early on but the visitors held a 2-1 lead at half-time. However, a successfully taken penalty by Crockett evened the scores in the second-half to bring a fair result.

CHELSEA : SECL Cup (First Round)
0 - 1
19 February 1955

Rhodes, East C., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Smith J., Fenn G., Taylor J., Barrick A., Franklin T., McDonald T.


Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
1 - 1 (Barrick)
5 March 1955

Rhodes, Coleman K., Marshall K., Crockett D., Baker D., Loughran P., Lundstrum C., Griffiths B., Barrick A., St. Pierre W., McDonald T.

Barrick scored to give us the lead early on but an injury to Loughran after about 20 minutes left us with virtually ten men for the remainder of the game. Arsena! equalised before the interval, but there was no further scoring, each side taking a point from the 1-1 draw.

Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
1 - 2 (Crockett
12 March 1955

Line-up Unknown

There were over 1,000 present to see an interesting game between two young useful sides, but the promptings of the home partisans proved to be just the spur that gave our opponents a 2-1 victory after a goalless first half. Crockett scored our goal from a penalty, this being yet another to add to his many 'spot kicks' successes.

3 - 2 (Lundstrum 2, Barrick)
19 March 1955

Rhodes, McNeilly T., Marshall K., Crockett D., Hayes A., Taylor J., Alper, McDonald T., Lundstrum C., Smith J., Barrick A.

Our Colts brought off one of their best performances of the season by winning 3-2 at Portsmouth. Pompey fielded all but one of the XI which has reached the quarter-finals of the F.A. Youth Cup, and the result therefore occasioned some surpris, as our own team was giving away considerable avantage in age and experience. The score was 2-2 at half-time, but our lads took the upper hand after the resumption, deservedly gaining the points in a game that was always full of interest. Lundstrum 2 and Barrick were our scorers.

Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
1 - 6 (Crockett)
26 March 1955

Harmer, McNeilly T., Marshall K., King, Baker, Plume, Alper, Griffiths B., Leck, Crockett D., McDonald T.

We tried half-a-dozen new players in our Colts team which opposed Tottenham Hotspur. Unfortunately some of these did not prove to he up to standard, and although holding their opponents to 1-1 at half-time they collapsed in the second-half to surrender the points by a 6-1 score.

Green Silley weir, Wanstead
0 - 3
2 April 1955

Rhodes, East C., McNeilly T., Taylor J., Hayes A, Smith J, Fenn G, Pyke, Lundstrum C., McDonald T., George M.

An injury to Smith after 20 minutes' play depleted our side, and our youngsters were very much up against it in lacing a side containing more experience. Although the defence tried hard and Fenn and Lundstrum made a good showing in attack the Blues were usually on lop, so we ended on the wrong end of a 3-0 score.

Dagenham Sports Arena
2 - 1 (Banks 2)
11 April 1955

McGuire G.

Cunninghm A.

Cates J.

Swann J.

Walker J.

McNeilly T.

Stone E.

Lewis C.

Banks B.

Chandler C.

Manning E.

Double-head programme:

Minor Cup Final kick-off 11am

Briggs Sports Minors v. West Ham Juniors

Senior Cup Final kick-off 3pm

Fanshawe Old Boys v. St. Joseph's Old Boys

Result: 5-5 after extra time


Claremont Road, Hendon FC
1 - 5 (Unknown)
16 April 1955

McGuire G., McNeilly T., Marshall K., Woods R., Scales, Crockett D., Lundstrum C., Banks B., Ratford, Spain, Manning E.


Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
1 - 2 (Lewis)
20 April 1955

Line-up Unknown


Green Silley Weir, Wanstead
0 - 0
25 April 1955

Line-up Unknown


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